No, Mommy! You can't stop me! |
Landon is a funny kid. Literally, every day he makes me laugh with his hilarious facial expressions, love for dancing, and quick sense of humor. Not only is he funny; he is a diaper houdini...that is he magically escapes from his diaper almost on a daily and sometimes nightly basis. This kid is fast and lately very sneaky about his magical powers. After another humbling mess I had to clean up on Sunday morning before church when we found him naked in his crib, I decided this magician has got to be stopped! Thus, I racked my brain with solutions of how I could stop this boy from constantly taking off all of his clothes; even at day care might I add. I came to a solution that would none other than take me to my favorite place to help my solve my problem;Target! Upon entering my place of comfort, I had one mission in mind.... TO BUY SOME WHITEY TIGHTIES! Now, I must say that purchasing these adorable batman underoos did make me feel a little sad, because it wasn't that long ago I was buying my sweet boy preemie diapers just a few isles over. Yet, I had to complete my mission. Later that day I was so excited to put Landy's new underwear over his diapers.... he on the other hand did not share in the same enthusiasm (please see the pic of him making fists and screaming).
Now it's just a waiting game to see if this houdini can trick me all over again. :)