Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rhoads, Party of 4.... Coming April 20, 2012!

Our little bun in the oven!

I come bearing not only wonderful news but a child as well!
Our little family of three is increasing by one more; party of four! We were so blessed to find out in early August that Landon will be taking on the new role of "big brother" in early spring 2012. The kids will be two years and two months a part. Ricky and I couldn't be more thrilled!
This pregnancy has already been very different from my last.... I've actually been sick!:( I am starting to feel better however and I am so thankful for the miracle growing inside me.
God is so good.
With a humble and grateful heart
your Naptime Note Taker,


  1. SO glad to hear you are feeling better! What a beautiful addition. Girl, you think???

  2. I'm hoping for a girl!!!! We shall see. I find out the day after Thanksgiving:)
